Mahjong Jong
The game Mahjong Jong is completely not complicated, but rather simple and exciting.
The main task is to find the same pictures, compare them and thus make out a large figure, which was previously lined up. Anything can be shown in the pictures. But you need to be extremely careful when disassembling a figure because although the pictures will be the same, they can still have a difference. There is another rule when you remove tiles or pictures. You can remove the tile that is perfect, free and nothing lies on it. If it is clamped on both sides by other tiles, pull it out not according to the rules. Try to play such a game and see that it is interesting and exciting.
The most important thing is to collect as many pictures as possible. As soon as you succeed, you become a winner. Paired can be like completely identical tiles, or grouped according to some criterion. In any case, if it seems to you that two specific tiles are similar, try clicking on them in sequence, and if they disappear. Then you correctly determined their agreement. If not, look for another pair. There is no timer in this mahjong, so there is no need to hurry.