Mahjong Deluxe 3

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Today we present you a new puzzle game Mahjong Deluxe 3.

This game belongs to the category of board games and is designed to develop your mind, logical thinking and attentiveness in you. Today we will play mahjong. This game came to us from China and became quite widespread among people. Now we will tell you the rules of this game. You will see tiles with images printed on them. On the playing field, the tiles will be stacked in a variety of geometric shapes. As you may have guessed, we need to parse them. This can be done simply.

You need to find two tiles with the same images and clicking on them with the mouse, thus we indicate them. After the manipulations you have done, they will disappear from the screen and we will be credited with points. Remember that the solution to this puzzle is given a certain time and you need to keep within it otherwise you will lose. With each level, time will decrease, and complexity will increase. So it all depends on you.

The Mahjong Deluxe 3 game is quite interesting and all game lovers where you need to solve various puzzles will be happy to spend their time playing it. You can also invite your friends to play Mahjong Deluxe 3 and arrange a kind of competition between themselves for the speed of the game. Open Mahjong Deluxe 3 on our website and try your hand at solving this problem.

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